Saturday, April 15, 2017

This little piggie went ow, ow, ow!

Oh! Hello! Bet you thought I forgot about all y'all...nope, I'm still here, still running....

I'm training for a 25k...not sure if I mentioned that, but, yeah, I am. 25k is 15.5 miles, which is only 2.4 miles beyond a half marathon (13.1), and I've done five half marathons. So 15.5 should be easy peasy, right? Yeah. I don't know if my brain has heard that, and my body sure as heck doesn't think so. I have had some really crappy training runs the past couple of weeks, and I'm getting a little worried. Although last week, I*cough* hormonal issues; this week I*clears throat*....bathroom issues. So I have had some legit issues but dang, Ugh. Last week I was supposed to do 11, and I barely eked out 10. This week I was supposed to do 12 and got to 11.10 before I had to GO!

I guess this is good training for if I have any issues in May (the race is May 6th for those of you playing along at home); I will know what I can do and what I can't do, and when I HAVE to find that porta pottie.

My other issues have been blisters. I wear ASICS and the newest model are killing my feet; I am getting blisters between my toes, on the tops of my toes, on the outside of my toes, on the bottoms of my toes..... I think the newer model must have a narrower toe box and it's just squishing the little piggies all together and they are not happy about that! So, with only one long run, and one short run left before the race, I need to get me and my piggies to the running store and get their advice. New socks? New shoes? New piggies? Either way, my feet are getting beat the F up. They've never been pretty, but now they are ugly and painful.

So that's my running life right now. Pain and sorrow. But, I can't let it get me down, because I truly believe the quote from Henry Ford, "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right." It's going to be my motto from now until the race! (What's a motto? Nothing...what's a motto with you?!)

So, yes, I think I can, I know I can, I will make that 25k my bish!

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