Saturday, May 13, 2017

Wildflower Trail 25k Race Recap aka I did a thing

tl:dr: Oh this is going to be hard, oh crap hills, oh so many hills, oh god it's hot af, I want a slushie, I can't do this. Wait, I did it. Yay, me, I'm awesome, but I'm dirty and hot. I want a slushie.

There, I put that at the beginning so you don't even have to scroll. You are lazy, huh? Non-lazy people, please continue.

So last weekend I did a thing. It was a very hard thing, and it hurt me a lot, but in the end, I fell in love with this thing. I ran walked a 25k. Although my garmin said I did 16.10 miles, so there's that. 25k and some change, I guess.

I knew it would be tough, and I knew it would be hilly, but when I got there and saw the start line, I knew I was in trouble. I kept telling myself I could do this, just take it slow, but that steep hill really intimidated me. But I signed up for this, and wasn't about to waste my money, dang it! The weather was really nice, a nice breeze and in the high 50s, so that was awesome. We had to take a shuttle into the park, and at 5 am when it's dark af we couldn't find where to park. I was having a small panic attack, but finally, finally we followed some people and found it. We didn't have to wait to long, so we got to the start/finish line in plenty of time. Probably really early, but I wasn't sure what the shuttle situation would be and didn't want to be late. It was still somewhat dark, but as the sun came up, the nerves started.Then I saw the start and knew I was in for an epic day. I wasn't wrong.

Now it's time to start and yay, so much fu.....oh crap. This is hard. Like, really hard. The hills were steep, and I tried to run, but was seriously out of my element by a quarter mile in. Holy crap....why so many hills? Why is this so steep? Why aren't I sleeping in? Oh but wow it's really pretty and the birds are singing and look at the pretty water...but damn this is hard. Ok, enough nature, this is hard...I can't do this. I cannot do this for 14 more miles. yes, i wanted to quit a race at mile 1. I truly thought I could not go on for 14 more miles (turns out it was 15 more miles but whatevs). But I couldn't turn back, I had to just keep going and telling myself that yes, I can and I will do this. I tried to run when I could, but the flat portions had soft beach sand which was hard to run through, so I walked a lot. I fell at mile 4. I just slipped and down on my knee and then my opposite shoulder. I laid there for a minute looking at the beautiful sky, thinking that's it, I'm dead. This has killed me. But no, I was alive, and somehow, unhurt! Although I was dirty and got dirt in my water bottles....mmmm gritty! But I got up, and kept going. I have no clue how. I just...did. Luckily soon after was the aid station with water and snacks and people cheering me on (actually almost all of the runners that passed me, and there were a LOT were so supportive and awesome!), so that helped. And the ice cold sponge bath?! Holy cats that was invigorating! Woo! Only 10 more miles to go....I can do this! Ok, that might have been a little premature, but about a mile later I was at the start/finish line, and my hubby was there, and another aid station, and people helping me and ok, yeah, I'm slow but dammit I will finish! There's a 50k going on as well, so the course was staying open till 6 pm. I have all the time I need! I should stop and take a couple pictures of how pretty it is here. And rest....that would be good.

So loop two starts and youch these hills, the sand, oh man this is tough. So very little running on loop two...maybe a little at the beginning but soon enough I just couldn't. I was gonna finish, and hopefully finish upright, but I wasn't gonna be running. Later on loop two I met Andi, and we talked a little, since I saw she was a member of Team RWB, and out of Houston even! We have a mutual friend, so that was cool. But then I slowed down and Andi kept going on. Loop two was so hard, because I KNEW what was coming....but I slogged along and just kept thinking of how awesome it was going to be to say I did a 25k! After loop two, I saw hubby again (thank God for that man...he supports me and really was the reason I could keep going) and got more water, and salt tabs and some pretzels. I hadn't fueled much, as nothing tasted good. I tried gummy bears and they didn't taste good. The watermelon at the aid station was good, and the pretzels were, but everything else just tasted ugh. One of the volunteers gave me some salt tabs as it had gotten HOT. There was no clouds, and at least there was a breeze, but there was very little shade and it was warm....very, very warm.

Loop three...oh thank you baby Jesus....only about 3 miles more to go. I can do this! Slowly, but man I can get it done! But holy crap those last 3 miles. The turn off was before the aid station, so there wasn't anything to look forward to but the end. That was pretty motivating though.... About mile 1 or so (of the last 3 mile loop) I came across Andi sitting in the shade. She was tired and had run out of water. I gave her some of mine and stayed with her for a little bit. She said she was ok, so I started off and she caught up with me. That girl. If it hadn't been for her, those miles would have sucked so much butt. They were still hard, and I had to dig deep to keep going, but man, she sure helped. I helped her too she said, as she was having a rough go as well. We talked and laughed and dreamed about slushies. We cussed a little (or maybe that was just me), and she said I kept saying "Carpe diem" which was my mantra for the day.

The last mile was all uphill, and when I got to that I kept saying, I can't...oh my god, I can't. My legs were so tired, and I was out of water, and Andi was cramping, but somehow we freaking made it up, and over and then, oh glorious day...the road! THE. ROAD. The finish line is right there.....and then, together, Andi and I cross the finish line. No, I didn't run across it, but I damn well walked across on my own power. I didn't cry when Rob (the RD) put the medal over my head but probably only because I was dehydrated.

I finished. And I didn't die. I probably just smelled like I did. But wow, what an epic thing. I am so proud of myself for pushing myself, and for finishing. It took me 6 and a half hours to do it, but so what? I did it. I fucking did it.

I will have to give a huge shout out to Trail Racing Over Texas....the volunteers, the race director....everyone involved made this race so amazing! It was well planned, the trails were easy to read and follow, the volunteers were out of this world, the information was timely and all questions were answered quickly. I would do another race with them in a heartbeat, no matter how hard it looked. This is a an amazing organization to do a race with!

So. Yeah. I did a thing. It was hard, and I still have blood blisters, and I couldn't hardly walk Sunday or Monday, but pain is temporary, but these memories will last forever. I'm ready to do it again! It was hard, it was tough, it was amazing, it was fun, it was my first 25k and I am ready for the next one! Boom shaka laka! EPIC SHIT DONE. MEDAL EARNED.

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