Sunday, May 21, 2017

The waiting is the hardest part...

Yeah, Tom Petty had it right...the waiting is the hardest part for reals. Yesterday's run, according to my plan, was my last non-marathon training run. Starting next weekend, I will be training for my first marathon. That is, if it happens in October. But, it could happen in December, in which case I have a couple more weeks of technically non-marathon training runs. But, I am waiting. waiting to see if the marathon I want to run in October actually happens, and if so, where, and what the course is like. I am hoping it will be near me and we don't have to get a hotel room (I don't think I could camp before or after 26.2 miles. I like to think I'm a badass, but yeah...I'm not). I do have a backup plan, and that's great, but dang it, I wanna know, and want to plan, and dang it I'm tired of waiting.

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