Thursday, March 23, 2017

Seabrook Lucky Trails Half Marathon race recap

Well, I promised a race recap, and I’d hate to leave all 5 3 of you hanging!

It started off really well; it was cool (for Houston, that is) although very humid and foggy, and my coworker and I were doing good. We had a good run/walk going, and we were actually passing some people. The trails were fine, and everyone was in a good mood. What a great run! What a great Sunday! What a great life! This would have been an awesome 7 mile race! Unfortunately for my coworker, it was 13.1. Because after we crossed the halfway point (there were two loops), it all fell apart for her. She slowed down, ran less, walked more, and was having a really tough time. We weren’t last until about mile 10 or 11. Then we got passed by a few walkers, and by one little old lady who walked the whole time with a full McDonald’s Styrofoam cup. Coworker said it was iced tea. I thought it was rum. Either way, it had magical properties as she passed us. Her and her cup! Then we got passed by the people who had done the marathon the day before. Oy.

So, yeah, I finished next to last and my coworker finished dead last (she wanted to…honest! You think I would pass my pal on her first half marathon?). The time limit was four hours and I finished at 3:59:03 and my pal finished 3:59:07 or so.

But ya know what? Who cares? We finished, and we finished running, and upright! We lapped everyone on the damn couch and we she toughed it out! I know she wanted to quit more than once after mile 7, but really there wasn’t place for her to go, and she’s a beast!

I felt good after, a little disappointed in the food and warm beer, but hey, most races aren’t BOTP friendly anyway, and I am glad there WAS food and beer! Plus, I got a shiny medal so ha!

I didn’t have any knee or IT band issues, although my shins were a little sore the next day. But no soreness, and no blisters. I may lose the toenail on my right big toe though, but meh, whatevs. It will grow back.

So I really feel excited about doing the marathon in October. Of course ask me how I’m feeling in August and the answer may be different! But I am ready to keep running, and doing some fartleks (that word makes me giggle because I have the sense of humor of a 14 year old boy) and strength training. I do want to lose some weight too, as that will make things easier, but I struggle with that because of the rungries.

All in all, it wasn’t what I expected, but it worked out and I got a medal, and pizza and beer and cupcakes after and there ain’t nothing wrong with all that!

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Running is hard, y'all.

Maybe not for everyone. I see so many people that run every day and they look fantastic doing it. They're fast, they're swift, they look Not so much. I'm slow, I'm lumbering, I look like I'm dying, but dang it, I'm determined. Running is hard for me. It will never be something that comes easily to me. And that's okay. I don't have to be a swift cheetah, because I am a determined turtle. I am determined to be the best I can be. To be better than the other day. To keep running for the old me, the fat me, to run for my inner fat girl that keeps telling me to just sit on the couch and eat donuts. All the people that give me "that" look when I say I'm a runner. To run for those girls that don't think they are runners because they are bigger, or slow, or whatever. Honey, if you run, you're a runner! No matter how slow, or how far, no matter if you walk some too. You are a runner; I'm a runner. WE. ARE. RUNNERS. It's hard, but truly, nothing in life that is worthwhile is easy. And this, this is so worthwhile. So, be a cheetah or be a turtle, just get out there and go!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Half marathon #5

And I totally sang that in my head to "Mambo #5", btw. You're welcome for that earworm!

So, yeah. This may be a blog about me training for a marathon, but part of that training includes a half marathon. On Sunday, to be exact. It's a trail run, and I've never done a trail race, so I'm not sure what to expect. A slower time to be sure, but I'm pretty slow anyway, so that's nothing new. I proudly rep the back of packers!

I'm a little nervous, not only because I think it's natural to be nervous before a big event,but because I haven't done a half since November of 2015. And I kicked butt in that one. I had a great PR (personal record), and felt fantastic that day, even though it got super hot at the end and I walked more than I wanted. So, I don't want to compare races, as that was over the Fred Hartman Bridge and was a pretty tough race. See photo.

But, understandably, I'm nervous. I'm running it with a first timer, and I am excited for her, so that helps with the nerves. But still. There's a 4 hour time limit, and even during my first half, I wasn't close to that cut off. But as a slow runner, it's always in the back of my head. Will I finish last? Will anyone be left to cheer for me? Will the food be there? I've done other races by the race company and they have all been fab, and very BOTP friendly, but still...

So I just have to do what I need to do to eat spaghetti tonight. With garlic bread. Ohh yeaah. Drink all my water. Try and get some sleep. And go out and have fun, and the remember all of it so I can give you a great race review after!

And so I leave you with Lou....trumpets!

Saturday, March 11, 2017


I always have these great blog posts in my head when I'm running, then I get home and poof. Brain cleared. Nope. All greatness gone. Maybe I need to run with a mini tape recorder? Do they make those still? How funny would I look? *thinks* Okay, yeah, just winging tape recorder.

I had the dumb amazing idea to blog about my marathon training, and how it went, and how I feel, and show y'all pictures of my blisters myself in all my glory. But until I start training I figured I'd just start and see how this goes. I may hate it and y'all will never know about my training. Unless we're Facebook friends, and then that shit will be BLASTED! Whoops, sorry. I will try to keep the cursing to a minimum.

So I started running in 2012 or so to lose weight, then I decided to run a 5k, then a 10k, then a half marathon, and I was like oh yeah this is fun, let's run a full 26.2 miles, because why not? Well, I got injured, gained some weight (why can't cupcakes be calorie free? Is that really too much to ask in this day and age for pity's sakes?!), and kinda stopped running. Then I kinda started running again. But now I'm 30lbs heavier and a lot slower, but hey, at least I get my money's worth from race entries! I am running a half marathon next weekend and hopefully the full marathon in October, but we shall see if everything works out.

Until then, I'll try and regale you with stories of something my awesomeness so you'll be super ready to read about my training and how awesome that it! And I promise not to show any pictures of my blisters.